Why Should You Choose Vaping Dry Herb Instead Of Smoking It?

flowermate official
3 min readSep 16, 2021

Dry herb smokers often worry if they are damaging their lungs. It is why many who are aware of the dry herb vape trend are switching. However, some are unsure if it is by any means better.

The cannabis industry is rapidly expanding after the government legalized it for recreational use in some states. Many vape businesses have opened up ever since, and they sell a wide array of products, like vaporizers.

Those who are conscious about health are considering such advanced technology to offer safer cannabis consumption.

With dry herb vaporizers, people are changing how they smoke cannabis. It is because vaping has several benefits compared to smoking, which includes less pressure on the lungs.

Smoking cannabis releases over 4000 chemicals while vaping reduces it to approximately 200. But it isn’t the only advantage.

Dry Herb Vape

The heating process is different

Smoking only follows one method — burning the herbs. Dry herp vaporizers follow two heating procedures — conduction and convection — and neither burns the content.

During conduction, the chamber’s heated plates heat the herbs to vaporize the compounds.

During convection, the oven uses heated air to increase the temperature of the chamber and substance. This method heats the herbs evenly.

There are no wasted materials

Smoking weed in a joint means burning it to produce the effect. This process is called combustion, and it isn’t appropriate as it fails to burn all the cannabinoids and doesn’t produce the high it is capable of.

It even ruins the original flavor as it also burns the terpenes.

A dry herb vape using the convection method ensures that the material doesn’t go to waste. It activates all the cannabinoids to bring out the flavor that joints cannot offer.

Users can control the high

Using vaporizers for the dry herb experience means users can regulate the level of high they want using the dedicated temperature settings on the gadget.

When people want the high to be less potent, they can use low temperatures to activate fewer cannabinoids. It also enables extensive and more pleasant sessions.

On the other hand, those who want to get very high can increase the temperature and activate all the cannabinoids.

It is something impossible when smoking joints.

The high is different

The high dry herb vaporizers offer is different from what people get from smoking joints because it uses combustion.

Since the heating method is different, combined with the ability to control the temperature, it can produce a unique high that usual smoking methods cannot give.

You May Also Read: How To Make The Most From Dry Herb And Wax Vaporizer?

Vaporizers Dry Herb



flowermate official

Chris is a professional guitarist and a vape hobbyist for 15 years. He started writing articles on different blogs to make people aware.